electrify(app_name = NULL, product_name = "product_name", short_description = NULL, semantic_version = NULL, build_path = NULL, mran_date = NULL, cran_like_url = NULL, function_name = NULL, git_host = NULL, git_repo = NULL, local_package_path = NULL, package_install_opts = NULL, run_build = TRUE, nodejs_path = file.path(system.file(package = "electricShine"), "nodejs"), nodejs_version = "v10.16.0", permission = FALSE)
app_name | This will be the name of the executable. It's a uniform type identifier (UTI) that contains only alphanumeric (A-Z,a-z,0-9), hyphen (-), and period (.) characters. see and |
product_name | String - allows you to specify a product name for your executable which contains spaces and other special characters not allowed in the name property. |
short_description | short app description |
semantic_version | semantic version of your app, as character (not numeric!); See for more info on semantic versioning. |
build_path | Path where the build files will be created, preferably points to an empty directory. Must not contain a folder with the name as what you put for electrify(app_name). |
mran_date | MRAN snapshot date, formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD' |
cran_like_url | url to cran-like repository |
function_name | the function name in your package that starts the shiny app |
git_host | one of c("github", "gitlab", "bitbucket") |
git_repo | GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab username/repo of your the shiny-app package (e.g. 'chasemc/demoAPP'). Can also use notation for commits/branch (i.e. "chasemc/demoapp@d81fff0). |
local_package_path | path to local shiny-app package, if 'git_package' isn't used |
package_install_opts | optional arguments passed to remotes::install_github, install_gitlab, install_bitbucket, or install_local |
run_build | logical, whether to start the build process, helpful if you want to modify anthying before building |
nodejs_path | path to nodejs |
nodejs_version | nodejs version to install |
permission | automatically grant permission to install nodejs and R |